

Serve the City Luxemburg wird von Menschen für Menschen betrieben! Wir arbeiten mit einer möglichst niedrigen Kostenstruktur, legen aber dennoch großen Wert darauf, eine Reihe professioneller [...]



Serve the City Luxembourg est une organisation créée par et pour les gens ! Nous travaillons à partir d’une structure de coûts les plus bas possibles, mais nous ajoutons une grande valeur à [...]

Serve the City on Radio 100,7

Serve the City Luxembourg was kindly invited to the morning show on Radio 100,7 to talk about volunteering and serving in Luxembourg. The show aired Aug 5th 2014 07:40. Listen […] – “A growing city, a growing need”

A growing city, a growing need (HRW) Luxembourg a city with the second highest GDP in the world, Luxembourg a city where Europe gathers, Luxembourg a city where people from […]



Want to be a Partner Relationship Coordinator?

Serve the City Luxembourg is on a mission to encourage volunteering and grow the culture of serving in the Grand Duchy. We believe that many people doing small thing makes a […]

New opportunity for our elderly volunteers!

PhD students at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) at the University of Luxembourg are interested in meeting elderly people who speak either French, German or [...] – “Five ways to make change in 2014 in Luxembourg”

Lend a helping hand For those of us who don’t speak at least three languages, we tend to assume volunteering options in Luxembourg will be limited. Think again. There are […]

Highlights of 2013

2013 was the first full year of Serve the City in Luxembourg and it has been a great ride. Here are some of the things we’ve seen happen together with […]

Moien an Wëllkomm!

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