Celebrating Luxembourg’s National Day with Refugee Children: A Day of Joy, Unity, and Belonging

 In STC Luxembourg

On Luxembourg’s National Day, our team at Serve the City had the privilege of organizing a special event at a local shelter, home to refugee families. This day was not just about celebrating a national holiday but also about fostering a sense of belonging and community among the children and their families who are building new lives here in Luxembourg.

The event was a lively mix of crafts, drawing activities, and a small party, all centered around the theme of Luxembourg’s National Day. The children eagerly participated in the activities, with one of the highlights being their creation of Luxembourg flags. With great enthusiasm, they drew, colored, and proudly held up their handcrafted flags, symbolizing not only the day’s celebration but also their connection to their new home.

This event was more than just a fun day for the kids; it was a powerful reminder of the importance of inclusion and belonging. For refugee children, who often face the challenges of adapting to a new environment, such activities are crucial. They provide a safe space where these young hearts can express themselves, feel a part of the community, and build fond memories in their new country.

Where we love is home—home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr

We were also fortunate to have volunteers from the local community in Luxembourg who generously gave their time to make this event a success. Their presence and support were invaluable, showing the children that they are welcomed and valued in Luxembourg.

As these children grow up in Luxembourg, it is events like these that will help them develop a strong bond with the country that has offered them peace and love. Feeling connected to their community and country will not only help them in their personal growth but also ensure that they contribute positively to the society as they grow older.

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