Focus on Street Team – 2015

 In STC Luxembourg

almyra.2014-09-20 11-56-21_

Photo Credit: Almyra Knevel Persson

Many of you have shown great interest in our regular Street Team project and vowed to get involved in the New Year! Which is great news!…

So here’s a reminder of what happens. We meet 2-3 times per month on a Saturday morning in the city. We prepare sandwiches and coffee to take to the homeless and then we hit the streets to hand these out and, almost more importantly, give the people we meet a little time and conversation.

You do not have to speak Luxembourgish – it helps – but it is not crucial, and friends or family are welcome. There’s a regular pool of volunteers but we’re always looking for fresh faces.

So go on – give it a try this year – email to find out more.

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