Football, Fun & Friendship!

 In STC Luxembourg


On Sunday 29th June, a team of Serve the City volunteers came together to take part in Rencontres sans Frontieres Football Tournament, organised by Luxembourg Ville.

The day started early and wet, but that did not dampen our spirits! We put together two teams of eight alongside asylum seekers from the Caritas Foyer St Antoine, and the nationalities within the team included; English, Serbian, Bosnian, French, Romanian, Vietnamese and one Irish cheerleader!

A total of 64 teams entered the tournament, and our volunteers played five games despite the rain, from 10am in the morning until 5pm in the evening. Even when they were waiting for the next game they took the football and practiced amongst themselves.

The players in our teams hit it off straightaway and had made firm friendships by the end of the day. The asylum seekers in St Antoine really appreciated the company and the chance to compete in the tournament. Weekends especially within the asylum centre can be quite boring for the men, and their families, so we were very pleased to offer Football, Fun & Friendship for a day.

There were a few cuts and bruises, but like real champions the games continued and at the end of the event we all felt like winners.

Serve the City hope to continue the relationship with Foyer St Antoine and set up some more regular sporting events. If you are interested to get involved email


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