Red Cross Cloakroom

 In STC Luxembourg

NEEDED!! Red Cross Cloakroom Volunteers…

The Red Cross cloakrooms are run by a team of volunteers who sort and tidy and distribute clothes to people in need, free of charge. The Ministry of Family Affairs and social workers refer beneficiaries to the cloakrooms.

As part of an expansion, Isabelle from the Red Cross is seeking new volunteers ASAP to run a social cloakroom in Bonnevoie; sorting the clothes, and ‘manning the ship’ when it is open.

Serve the City is seeking volunteers for this Red Cross project who have an interest in working with migrant populations, are patient, open minded, organized, and able to resolve conflicts politely and calmly. Volunteers will work together as a team.

In Luxembourg many migrants have arrived from Slavic countries via Italy and Spain. So having some volunteers each shift with these language skills is desired; Serbo-Croatian, Italian, Spanish, and Arabic!

The cloakroom is open for the beneficiaries Wednesdays from 15:00 – 16:00, volunteers arrive at 14:30 and work until 17:30 – 18:00. During this time volunteers can be occupied with; checking the beneficiaries eligibility (id), directing people towards the correct clothing section, explaining limitations (ie max 3 t-shirts per person), and upon checkout – going through the baskets controlling that the items chosen are suitable.

Isabelle is hoping to add another weekly open time in the near future to help cater to the immense need.

The clothes’ sorting happens on a weekly basis; one and half days are needed to go through the donations, and put them on the shelves. Currently, this happens all day Monday, and on Wednesday mornings, but these days are open to discussion.

Interested? Available? Contact Isabelle directly:

Tel.: (+352) 2755 5012


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