Red Cross Luxembourg Open Day – June 13th

 In STC Luxembourg

This year the Red Cross celebrates its 100th Birthday! You will of course have heard of the Red Cross of Luxembourg – but were you aware of just how many activities they organise across the country to help people in need? From social groceries, housing and welfare services, social cloakrooms, to providing summer camps for impoverished children, and assisting the elderly – the list goes on and on…

To highlight all this hard work, the charity are holding a summer open day on Saturday 13th June between 9am-5pm.

This is a day focused on letting the general public know exactly what they do, and it is also an opportunity to reach out to people in need with advice, information, sales of second hand goods, clothes and furniture.

Volunteers are needed on the day – and to set things up beforehand – in order to make the event a success. Languages are not required, but English or French is needed to be briefed by the organisers. Could this be for you?!…

Here are the details of their requirements – if you are interested please click on this link for the sign up form!

Friday 12th June

6-12 volunteers required in two shifts either;  9-1pm or 2-6pm

Setting up the stalls selling second hand items and clothes

Setting up communications posters around the site.

Saturday 13th June

20 x volunteers required in two shifts either; 9-1pm or 2-6pm or ALL day


Welcoming people and explaining why the Red Cross is selling donations (in Luxembourg it is not common for charities to sell donations : All proceeds will be used to support the missions of the Red Cross, buying for example items needed by people in need

Helping to sell the goods on the stalls.

Helping to carry the goods to people’s cars

Manning the barbeque! (there will be a small van for cooking sausages and frites, of course!)

Clearing tables and helping to serve the food

Dismantling at the end of the day

If possible – people to repair bicycles/prams – and people willing to deliver small furniture items to people on the day (car provided).


22 Dernier Sol, L-2543 Luxembourg,+2543+Luxembourg&sa=X&ei=kwnmVJ2UDcLyUt6-gZAJ&ved=0CCAQ8gEwAA&output=classic&dg=brw


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