Serve the City Lux in Berlin!

 In STC Luxembourg

Last month, some of our team members went to Berlin to participate in the 2017 STC International Forum (IF).

While many of the STC cities across the world meet regionally and nationally together, the IF each year is the premier gathering of people in our movement world-wide.

IF17 Berlin saw around 95 people gather from across the STCi movement, including many EU countries, Nepal, Mexico and USA.

Those attending the IF are either actively involved in leading their STC volunteer-movement or starting a STC group in their local city.

We listen to one another, learn, and encourage each other. Experts are invited to share on specific topics that build capacity across the STCi movement, like excellence in volunteer management. We learnt about how to define success in project and how to continuously improve our monitoring capabilities.

The team can’t wait for next year’s IF18 which will be held in Dublin!

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