Since its inception in 1975, the not-for-profit organization “Vie naissante” supports pregnant women and young mothers by providing them with baby clothes and accessories from their [...]
Abuse of women and children is as much a problem in Luxembourg as it is elsewhere in the world, we just don’t hear much about it. One of our regular […]
Serve the City are proud to be partnering with Fondation Autisme, to help them connect with volunteers willing to accompany young people with autism on day trips, outings and summer […]
Read Alix Reboul-Salze’s blog about our recent Beauty Event… “I am no pro in beauty treatment, but as I like having girly time, I decided to volunteer anyway for a […]
Wondering what to do in the sunshine this week?!…why not help youngsters with autism attendĀ ‘Dream Night at the Zoo’ – at Parc Merveilleux in Bettembourg? This is a [...]