New partner for Serve the City – Vie Naissante

Since its inception in 1975, the not-for-profit organization “Vie naissante” supports pregnant women and young mothers by providing them with baby clothes and accessories from their [...]


Dancing, Duck Fishing and Delicious Food! – Foyer Sud Summerfest

Abuse of women and children is as much a problem in Luxembourg as it is elsewhere in the world, we just don’t hear much about it. One of our regular […]


Sizzling Summer Fun with Fondation Autisme!…

Serve the City are proud to be partnering with Fondation Autisme, to help them connect with volunteers willing to accompany young people with autism on day trips, outings and summer […]


Reflecting on our recent Beauty Event..

Read Alix Reboul-Salze’s blog about our recent Beauty Event… “I am no pro in beauty treatment, but as I like having girly time, I decided to volunteer anyway for a […]


Ever been to ‘Dreamnight at the Zoo’?…

Wondering what to do in the sunshine this week?!…why not help youngsters with autism attendĀ ‘Dream Night at the Zoo’ – at Parc Merveilleux in Bettembourg? This is a [...]