Filmowend mat Frënn (Film Night with Friends)

 In STC Luxembourg

In February, Serve the City applied for a special project through the Oeuvre nationale de secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte’s platform, « Appels a projets -mateneen », that would benefit refugees living in the foyers in Luxembourg. The idea came into being because one of our volunteers at Foyer Saint Antoine was helping organize themed movie nights for the residents. We ran the movie nights at Foyer Saint Antoine for about a year and saw how quickly it became popular with the residents and volunteers.

We wanted to replicate this same project at other shelters where many of the refugees are staying but have minimal leisure activities. So we went ahead and submitted our proposal to the Oeuvre, and we called it Filmowend mat Frënn (Film/Movie Night with Friends). While waiting for the response, we created an action place on how to organize and recruit more volunteers who could help run the project in the respective shelters. About ten volunteers came forward and showed a lot of enthusiasm for the project! Under the Filmowend mat Frënn project, STC will also organize outdoor movie nights during the summer to bring foyer residents and people from the neighborhood together for a cultural exchange.

We are very excited to announce that on March 24, 2016, Serve the City Luxembourg was granted over 15,000 euros to purchase equipment for four shelters: Foyer Lily Unden, LuxExpo, Monopol, and Logopédie. We would like to thank the Oeuvre nationale de secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte for trusting Serve the City and believing that doing small things together will make a big difference in the residents’ and volunteers’ lives alike.

We are happy to share this news and look forward to bringing a little happiness and the art of film into the lives of our refugee friends.

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