Future opportunities to serve…

 In STC Luxembourg


We have a couple of potential volunteer opportunities to engage with, but we need to know if there is interest from YOU, our volunteers!

1) The first is a DECORATING PROJECT for a local organisation – painting a number of rooms. It’s a mid-week summer job – we’d be looking for people who could commit at least one full day during the week of 19th-23rd August.

2) We are also exploring some WEEKLY EVENING projects with a local partner – they’d likely be sporting activities and children’s activities. We’d be looking for volunteers who could commit to coming regularly (weekly or fortnightly).

If either of these two opportunities interest you, please send us an email (hello at servethecity dot lu) and let us know! Then we can plan ahead for them and keep you in the loop.

Photo kindly borrowed from Serve the City Brussels‘ facebook page!

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