I Volunteer – Melanie Branchesi

 In STC Luxembourg

I discovered Serve The City by discussing with a colleague about the increase of people in need in Luxembourg. She provided me with Serve the City’s website and I registered my sister and myself for the Street Team project.

I realised that nobody cares for these poor people and if someone notices a homeless, they will only judge without knowing his / her story…

I get really upset by this behaviour. I think in these times we all can become homeless more quickly than we think, the solidarity completely disappears in this world of profit!

It’s not so hard to take two hours of our free time to hold out our hand to people who need it, just providing them with some water and sandwiches, listening to their story and sharing a moment with them!

My sister and I really enjoyed our first experience and will register ourselves in the future.

We encourage people to join this lovely association to share a little of their time!

Melanie Branchesi

Almyra Knevel Persson.Melanie.2014-09-20 12-37-18_

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