It’s Official…..Teenage Boys Can Volunteer!

 In STC Luxembourg

son volunteering

One of our regular volunteers took their 15 year old son to volunteer at the Foyer Sud Childrens Activity Day recently. Here’s what he had to say about his experience:

At first I was skeptical at the idea of signing up, especially getting up so early on a Saturday morning! However I soon felt relaxed and started enjoying it. The kids were very sweet and it showed me a bit what it’s like to be a parent.

The children were pretty self-sufficient, happy and funny, all they wanted to do was play and they loved cutting out and decorating the biscuits. The baby we looked after was so happy and didn’t cry once. He just loved being involved and watching us all playing.

Looking after children was easier than I thought after all, although I can see why the mum’s needed a rest!
I’m glad I could help a little and would definately volunteer again!
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