? A great success for #EarthDay2023 in the City!

 In Environment, Grouss Botz, Partners, STC Luxembourg, Volunteer Events

Last Saturday, more than ?? ?????? ????????? ?????????? came to roll up their sleeves and take care of our environment despite the bad weather conditions. ?‍?‍?☔ And the least we can say is that they were very efficient:

✅ Within a few hours of cleanup, right in the middle of the City, in Kirchberg, they collected ????? ?? ?????! ?

✅ They actually made some strange discoveries. In the small forest hundreds meters away from the big avenues they retrieved various metal wreckage ??? ???? ? ?????????! ?⛔

??‍?‍?‍? It is worth noticing the number of ???????? ??? ?????????? who actually participated in the event.  We are happy to see that the awareness-raising activities in schools are bearing fruit and that we also have families with children who want to take action for a greener planet! ?

? We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors, CLEAN SOMETHING FOR NOTHING™ No Big Deal, and especially Orange Luxembourg, for their continued and valuable support in the #Letzclean initiative! ♻️??

?‍?‍?? Last but not least, a BIG #ThankYou you to our ?????????? ??? ???? ??????? without whom none of this would have been possible. ?

Together we can make Earth great again! ✊?
#Letzclean #Groussbotz #NoPlanetB

Do you want to do your part in maintaining the environment and ecosystem on the earth? ?

▶️ Register here to become a volunteer at Serve The City & join our team for our next community cleanups: https://servethecity.lu/volunteer-sign-up-form ♻️

▶️ Looking for meaningful projects for your employees and work as a team while serving the community? ? Contact us at csr@servethecity.lu

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