My experience as Street Team Leader

 In Street Team

Nicolina Bordian joined Serve the City in 2019 and is now part of the Leadership Team. She is proud to be able to contribute to Serve the City’s projects and is particularly fond of the Street Team.

Leading a Street Team has been an eye opener for me. The most important aspect of it is that one can help the people in need. The direct and personalised contact with the homeless is crucial. Not only does one provide them food and coffee, but most importantly one has the opportunity to talk to them and keep them company for a while if they express the wish to have a chat.

Another fulfilling aspect of the job is witnessing on a regular basis the dedication of our volunteer community. Many of them are expats and wish to contribute to their local community in this way. Others simply long for social interaction. Their common value is that they all genuinely want to help a fellow human being.

It’s a humbling experience, yet one that never fails to renew my faith in humanity.”


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