Serve the City supports Grouss Botz – Luxembourg’s Spring Clean!

 In Project Days, STC Luxembourg

Clean Up Luxembourg

Even if the temperature is not exactly confirming it, SPRING is actually here! And with spring comes Spring Cleaning. Is there anything better than the fresh feeling of a clean space? We don’t think so and therefore we are super excited about the initiative called “Grouss Botz – The Big Clean Up” which is hosted by communes all over Luxembourg.

Serve the City believes in helping and engaging in the local community with both social and practical needs. We believe that many people doing small, practical things together can make a big difference. And many people, in many communes can make a huge difference to our country.

Grouss Botz happens next weekend, Saturday 13th April, and many communes around the country are organising events. You can look out for flyers and posters in your commune or contact them directly to find out how to join in.

Serve the City joining the Big Clean in Weiler-la-Tour!

Coat of arms Weiler la tour LuxembourgThe commune of Weiler-la-Tour (consisting of the villages of Weiler-la-Tour, Hassel and Syren) have kindly invited Serve the City to join and support their Grouss Botz project day. These villages south of Luxembourg city is organising a clean-up day and you are welcome to join us there. We will clean up litter from the side of the roads together with the local folks of the commune and afterwards all the volunteers are invited to eat some locally cooked, organic food together where the Mayor will address everyone.

We are looking for 15 volunteers to join us in Weiler-la-Tour, so please sign up if you are interested. It is first come first serve so don’t hesitate!

The event will take place in the afternoon, on Saturday 13th April. We’ll send all the details about where to meet and how to get there later in the week to those who sign up.

You’ll need to bring your own gloves, practical shoes and practical clothes to be outside for the afternoon. We will provide you with a safety vest to wear, and all other equipment will be provided by the Commune.

UPDATE: Sign up is now closed for this event. Thanks for your interest and look out for details of our next Volunteer Day!

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